
Calamus sp

Uwi simoih is the best material for pa'an (horizontal section). The color will turn white and will last longer if it is dried in the sun. Usually, juwah craftsmen deliberately plant this rattan to be used as a material, because this rattan is quite rare and it is not easy to be found and hunt. Some traders sell this rattan as a woven material for 5,000 rupiahs per meter.

  • habitat:
    lowland and montane rain forest
  • availability:
    rarely (can be planted)
  • uses:
    as a pa’an for juwah/jumuak
  • quality:
    very good, the best for pa’an
1°22'19.4"N 109°55'12.2"E
Uwi Simoih

simoih leaf illustration

Calamus sp (simoih)


Material: Rotan simoih, rotan soga, rotan sogoh, rotan koluah

size: 25 x 25 x 8 cm

production year: 2000

function: serving food plater during gawai ceremony