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Category Archives: blog
artikel bikinan wisnu
Need for regular maintenance The desalination facility is a system that requires regular maintenance because the water input from the facility’s water source contains sediment. There are filters inside the machines to strain the sediment, and these filters need to be regularly replaced. The machines also need to be turned on and operated to wash …
blog template buatan iman
The challenge of sustainability comes up in every single one of our projects. At Kopernik, we ask ourselves several questions before we commit to implementing a project: “What will happen once we finish this project?”, “Will it continue to run once we step away?”, “Who will continue to manage the project/intervention once we have finished?” …
blog template buatan gaby
The challenge of sustainability comes up in every single one of our projects. At Kopernik, we ask ourselves several questions before we commit to implementing a project: “What will happen once we finish this project?”, “Will it continue to run once we step away?”, “Who will continue to manage the project/intervention once we have finished?” …
blog template buatan wisnu
The challenge of sustainability comes up in every single one of our projects. At Kopernik, we ask ourselves several questions before we commit to implementing a project: “What will happen once we finish this project?”, “Will it continue to run once we step away?”, “Who will continue to manage the project/intervention once we have finished?” …