Berdaya Lewat Karya

-Sepatokimin Initiative-

Pak Tokimin: Potrait
Pak Tokimin: Working space
Pak Tokimin: with his wife, Bu Ansela
Sepatokimin is an initiative to empower marginalized communities in Indonesia—building Human, Social, Intellectual, and Financial Capacity—through creative economy development.
We provide the research, training, and mentoring needed by the community to make and manage their craft production with high value-added activities.
Sepatokimin is also a platform where the empowered community can promote their stories and refined products to meet the bigger market in the creative industry, such as local brands/manufacturers or other initiatives.

[Community Partner]

Pak Tokimin’s positive spirit and the campaign’s success inspires us to develop another program to help other marginalized community to reach their dream. Started with an organic collective effort, now we are working towards our bigger goals with the help of the donors and partners. Sepatokimin team are now currently assisting 5 communities in West Kalimantan and Southeast Sulawesi through tailored program for each community, based on Sustainable Development Goals.
peta indonesia

singkawang, sambas, jagoi



[How We Work]

Pak Tokimin’s positive spirit and the campaign’s success inspires us to develop another program to help other marginalized community to reach their dream. Started with an organic collective effort, now we are working towards our bigger goals with the help of the donors and partners. Sepatokimin team are now currently assisting 5 communities in West Kalimantan and Southeast Sulawesi through tailored program for each community, based on Sustainable Development Goals.
Ruang Terampil:
Photoshoot; Vantage Ecoprint with Pak Said
Ruang Terampil:
Ecoprint production at Liposos
Accessories design workshop and management training
Photoshoot product by Sarantangan community itself
Bengkel Tangkas:
Skill training; using sewing machine to make a leather shoe by BPIPI
Bengkel Tangkas:
Shoe making advance class by BPIPI Sidoarjo
Bang Is and his product development
Experimenting and assembling process
Pangilia community and their natural dyed experiment on cotton yarn
Making the natural dye color from jawa tree bark that can be easily found in the backyard
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Partners and Collaborators

Project Collaborators:

kunang- web
samara naomi web
ff web
brodo web
panna web
prabu web
skw web


kba web
sekraf web
bpipi web


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